Pilates & Yoga Links for Health

May 5, 2020

Pilates & Yoga Links for Health

When talking to a few patients recently, I’ve been suggesting Pilates and Yoga as a good way of looking after your body at home. 

Us Osteopaths have always been big fans of Pilates and Yoga for anyone who needs a bit of stretching and strengthening – and who doesn’t? Following someone else’s lead for a structured routine can be easier and more motivating than doing your stretches all by yourself.

And so I’m sharing here links to some amazing local teachers I know and trust, as well as useful online sessions for adults and children. No commission or benefit to me other than your health and happiness 😊

Local Pilates & Yoga

We’d usually recommend attending a class in person in the first instance, and ideally one-to-one if you have any symptoms or previous injuries.

While this isn’t possible right now, many local teachers are still offering live sessions online. Attending a live local class means you can connect with your teacher, ask questions, and get to know their style even while you’re still at home.

Pilates Teachers

We know some brilliant Pilates teachers locally – they’re listed here with a warm recommendation for each and every one:

Elisabeth Bradbury – https://pilates-elisabeth.com/

Nasreen Pritchard – http://www.flowwithnasreen.co.uk/

Danny Bridgeman – https://www.restore-your-body.com/store

Elisabeth Pilates

Yoga Studios

If you prefer yoga, here are some great studios to check out:

Breathe Farnham – https://www.breathestudios.com/

Ebb & Flow Farnham – https://www.ebbflowyoga.co.uk/

Red Hot Yoga Guildford – https://www.redhotyoga.co.uk/

Online Pilates & Yoga

If you have some experience with Yoga or Pilates, or if you’re symptom free and just want to give it a go, you could also try some YouTube sessions.

Below are a few good options from the vast offering available. I really enjoyed doing those once I got over how annoyingly slim and toned all the instructors are!

Pilates for relaxation and calming:

Pilates with Katja for low back pain:

Pilates with Katja for middle and upper back:

Yoga with Adriene for beginners:

Yoga with Adriene for low back pain:

Yoga with Adriene for ‘Text Neck’ (also good for laptop neck!):

Couple doing yoga at home small

Online Yoga for children

This is so much better than Joe Wicks! Cosmic Kids Yoga on YouTube have a huge choice of cool yoga sequences for children which really capture their attention, with stories based on well-known books and movies.

For little ones – ‘Going on a Bear Hunt’ is great:

For slightly older children – Start Wars, Moana and many others:

And my daughter’s all-time favourite was this wacky tale about Fairy Floss:

Good luck, stay safe, keep looking after yourselves and remember we’re here for you if you need us!