We can help with foot pain and ankle injuries, including Achilles Tendinitis, Plantar Fasciitis, sprained ankles and running injuries.
We love offering help with foot pain and ankle injuries.
Ankles and feet form the basis of our posture, and most of our physical activities.
The ankles and feet are extremely sophisticated structures, designed to carry our body weight gracefully and efficiently, sometimes under great pressures or at great speeds.
The feet and ankles are supported and stabilised by an intricate network of muscles, tendons and ligaments – and it is usually those structures which can cause painful symptoms.
We often help with the rehabilitation of ankles which have become unstable and prone to twists and injuries. We also help runners and other athletes with feet and ankle pains, as those joints work hard to keep them going.
We may also see people who suffer with inflammation or arthritis in the ankles or feet. This can be caused by previous injury, mechanical issues such as rotated hips or knees, or a high volume of exercise over the years.
Reduce pain with our new Laser Therapy and Shockwave Therapy – cutting edge technologies in MSK health, used to reduce inflammation and accelerate tissue repair.
To find the cause of symptoms and exactly which structures are affected, we first note all the details about how symptoms came about, what it feels like, timing, daily pattern, aggravating and relieving factors.
We also ask about any issues with your spine and the rest of the lower limb joints, your health in general, and any significant events in the past such as accidents or surgery.
We then observe your feet, ankles and the rest of the lower limb, stationary and in motion. We also usually observe the pelvis and spine, as often the whole body’s posture and movement patterns can contribute to symptoms. We note any restrictions or pain, and any asymmetry.
Once we have established our working diagnosis we will always take time to explain to you what we found, and let you know how we can help, and whether we need to make any referrals.
We then use specific massage, mobilisation and stretching techniques to improve the flexibility in joints and muscles, relieve tension, improve freedom of movement and mechanics, and ensure good circulation for effective recovery.
With ankles and feet we may also use sports taping, to support the affected tissues as they heal and provide additional stability during the recovery phase.
During the session, we will also provide advice on exercise, posture and other techniques to aid fast recovery and maintain the treatment results.
These are some of the most common techniques and exercises we prescribe for ankles and feet injuries or pain:
An injury, such as twisting your ankle, will often damage not only muscles or ligaments but also the nerves that are in charge of communicating the joint’s position to the brain at any given moment (proprioceptors).
This exposes the joint to further injury, as the response is slower when the joint encounters any challenges, such as uneven ground or toys on the floor… And so improving control and balance in the ankle is an important part of post-injury rehabilitation.
This one is simple: find any excuse to stand on one leg!
You can do this whilst brushing teeth, waiting for the kettle to boil or watching tv.
Just like in heel raises: An injury, such as twisting your ankle, will often damage not only muscles or ligaments but also the nerves that are in charge of communicating the joint’s position to the brain at any given moment (proprioceptors).
This exposes the joint to further injury, as the response is slower when the joint encounters any challenges, such as uneven ground or toys on the floor… And so improving control and balance in the ankle is an important part of post-injury rehabilitation.