Knee Pain Treatment Farnham

We provide knee pain treatment in Farnham for a wide range of conditions such as swollen knee, arthritis, rheumatism and other knee joint pain.

Knee Pain Treatment Farnham

Expert Knee Pain Treatment in Farnham

We provide knee pain treatment for a wide range of conditions such as swollen knee, arthritis, rheumatism and other knee joint pain.

The knee is a complex joint, which can be affected by many sporting activities, injuries and arthritis.

The structure and function of other joints – including the hips, pelvis, spine, ankles and feet – can all have significant effects on the knee as they may alter the way we walk, run and use our body daily.

At the practice we often help patients with new and old injuries to the cartilage or meniscus in their knee, or the ligaments which stabilise the knee. Muscles such as the hamstrings and quadriceps groups are also frequently affected.

Our Approach to Knee Pain Treatment

To find the cause of symptoms and exactly which structures are affected, we first note all the details about how symptoms came about, what it feels like, timing, daily pattern, aggravating and relieving factors.

We also ask about any issues with your spine and the rest of the lower limb joints, your health in general, and any significant events in the past such as accidents or surgery.

We then observe and assess movement of the knees and related joints in all directions – making note of any restrictions or pain. We will usually also perform some special tests to assess the nerves, joints, muscles and ligaments in the area.

Once we have established our working diagnosis we will always take time to explain to you what we found, and let you know how we can help, and whether we need to make any referrals.

We then use specific massage, mobilisation and stretching techniques to improve the flexibility in joints and muscles, relieve tension, improve freedom of movement and mechanics, and ensure good circulation for effective recovery.

Where appropriate, we also use sports taping to support the injured area as it heals and provide additional stability during the recovery phase.

If we see patients as part of their rehabilitation process after surgery or trauma, our aim is to avoid stiffness developing following a period of immobility, to help with rehabilitation strengthening exercises and ensure good circulation is maintained for optimal recovery.

During the session, we will also provide advice on exercise, posture and other techniques to aid fast recovery and maintain the treatment results.

Knee Pain

Knee Pain Exercise and Advice

These are some of the most common techniques and exercises we prescribe for knee injuries or pain:

For patella (knee-cap) maltraction and pain
How does it work?
All-round lower limb strength
Why is this stretch important?

As the hamstrings run across the knee joint, chronic tightness in those muscles will lead to compression and pressure on the knee, which can affect its function, circulation and rate of recovery after an injury.

Why is this stretch important?
What we do

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