We provide lower back pain treatment in Farnham for a wide range of conditions including; sciatica, back ache, back spasms and back muscle pain.
We provide lower back pain treatment for a wide range of conditions including; sciatica, back ache, back spasms and back muscle pain.
Lower back pain, with or without sciatic pain, is a very common complaint which we help with daily at Meadowside.
The main culprits of low back pain are muscles, ligaments, and facet joints – these are the small joints on either side of the vertebrae, which connect them to one another. Less frequently, the intervertebral discs are affected and can cause a range of symptoms.
Sciatica, which can be felt as shooting pain, numbness or tingling along the buttocks, thigh, leg and sometimes down to the foot, can happen with or without low back pains but is often linked to the lower spine. It signifies compression of the sciatic nerve, which can occur anywhere along its course from the lower back to the foot and toes. Most frequently, the sciatic nerve is compressed by a facet joint or an intervertebral disc in the lower spine, or by the piriformis muscle in the middle of the buttock.
To find the root cause of the problem, we would first note all the details about how and when your symptoms started, what it feels like, timing, daily pattern and what makes the pain better or worse.
We also ask about any issues with the rest of your spine and other joints, your health in general, and any significant events in the past such as accidents or surgery.
We then observe your back and assess movement in all directions (always within your pain limits and no further) – making note of any tightness, limited movement or pain. We may also perform special tests to assess the condition of the nerves, joints, muscles and ligaments.
Once we have established our working diagnosis we will explain to you what we found and what we think is going on. We’ll then let you know how we can help, and whether we need to make any referrals.
For treatment of low back pain and sciatica we use specific massage, mobilisation, manipulation and stretching techniques to improve the flexibility in joints and muscles, relieve tension, improve range of movement and mechanics, and ensure good blood flow in the area for effective recovery.
Where appropriate, we also use sports tape to support the injured area as it heals, and provide additional stability during the recovery phase.
During the session, we will also provide advice on exercise, posture, cold or hot packs and other techniques to help fast recovery and maintain the treatment results.
Here are some of the most common techniques and exercises we suggest for lower back pain.
Tips: Try holding either over or under your knees, and choose whichever feels more comfortable.
Make sure your neck and shoulders are relaxed.
Tips: Try holding either over or under your knee, choosing whichever feels more comfortable.
Make sure your neck and shoulders are relaxed.
Tips: You can start by standing sideways in front of a mirror as you do it, and observe the dramatic change in your posture. As this exercise is designed to change the habitual ’round-shouldered’ or ‘slouchy’ posture, the more frequently it is done the better.
By bringing the shoulders back to their neutral place, beside our chest and not in front of it, we are improving the arms’ ability to move freely in all directions, thus reducing the potential for strains and injuries at the end of their range of movement.
This posture is also better for the back and neck, as it creates better alignment through the spine and reduces demand on its muscles.
If your shoulders won’t allow you to do this exercise comfortably, you can try bending at the elbows and creating circles with the elbows instead, or just rolling the shoulders with your arms relaxed beside you, still following the movement with your head and neck for maximum effect to the spine.