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What is Cranial Osteopathy?

Our Osteopaths often use the subtle yet profound techniques of Cranial Osteopathy to treat babies, children and adults.

These techniques are gentle yet powerful, supporting and enhancing the body’s own natural healing mechanisms.

Called ‘cranial osteopathy’ – the treatment approach involves the whole body including the head. All body tissues have a ‘natural cranial rhythm’. Our osteopaths have many years of training to sense it. The very refined sense of touch and light pressure applied by the osteopath’s hands to the head, spine, tailbone and limbs can detect any accumulations of tensions and strains affecting this rhythm.

More about Cranial Osteopathy

When applying cranial osteopathy during treatment, the osteopath’s specific hand contact can support your body’s own healing instincts, and its ability to release tensions and restrictions, thereby restoring health.

Cranial osteopathy is often associated as a helpful treatment for unsettled babies, or those who had a difficult birth. However, for older children or adults who have a history of trauma (physical or emotional), acute symptoms, or underlying health conditions where more structural techniques are not appropriate, this approach can be extremely effective.

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Our specialist cranial Osteopaths at Meadowside


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