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What is Osteopathy for Babies & Children?

Our Osteopaths, Orit Huntley and Emily Green, are qualified to treat babies and children at all stages of their development. Cranial osteopathy is our main treatment approach, and it is a safe, gentle and effective hands-on therapy.

Cranial osteopathy can help free up movement and circulation in areas of your baby’s body which may be stuck or restricted. This allows better mobility and function of the joints and muscles, as well as wider body systems such as digestion, circulation and the nervous system.

Cranial osteopathy is a relaxing and enjoyable treatment, and will typically calm and soothe your baby, toddler or child.

More about Osteopathy for Babies & Children

Your health visitor, breastfeeding consultant, midwife, GP or other mums may recommend you to bring your baby or child to see an Osteopath. We recommend all babies and their mums come in for a check up after the birth – the best time is within a few weeks of the birth.

During birth, the baby’s soft bones and joints undergo some strong outside forces, either coming through the birth canal, being delivered by c-section, or through the use of assisting instruments.

These forces may contribute to strains in the baby’s body, for example if they are compressed, pulled, twisted or stuck in one position for extended periods of time. The resultant tensions may be found around the head, along the spine, or in the pelvis and limbs.

After birth, the soft bones and tissues of the head start to unmould as a natural process as the baby starts to yawn, suck and cry – however, retained tensions may affect this process and leave the baby struggling to feed or digest effectively.

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What are the common symptoms?

Common symptoms may be digestive discomfort, irritability, long periods of crying, difficulty winding, poor latching, weak suck, strong preference to turn in one direction, and flattening of the head.

Feeding problems include pulling away from the breast frequently, falling asleep during feeding, or their latch can make mum’s nipple very sore.

These often arise when the baby cannot obtain a good latch or strong suck due to tension in the base of the skull, around the jaw, or in their neck muscles. A poor latch or suck also means the baby takes in more air, causing them further discomfort.

Our osteopaths can evaluate any blocks to these sensitive tissues. The gentle pressure and subtle touch of cranial osteopathy can encourage the tensions to release. This releasing mechanism then stimulates the body’s natural corrective healing abilities. Babies are particularly good at this – we just need to ‘point them in the right direction!

You may witness the osteopath holding your baby’s head, lower back, abdomen and limbs to help the soft tissues unwind at its own natural pace – it can be hard to observe if the osteopath is doing anything, but be assured that they are working at a deep level, and results will follow.

For toddlers and growing children, osteopathy can help with any unresolved birth strains, or if new issues arise following illness or injury. Treatment in this case can help your child with symptoms of pain or discomfort, and to achieve their next developmental milestone such as rolling, crawling, climbing and walking.


Our specialist cranial Osteopaths at Meadowside


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